designed by SKIKE
skike design | skike@skikedesign.com | 2021
"For Westerners, the most important ally of beauty has always been light, the absence of shadows. For traditional Japanese aesthetics, from the face of women to the rooms of temples, the essential is in the shadow and its effects."
by Junichiro Tanizaki
"Para os Ocidentais, o mais importante aliado da beleza foi sempre a luz, a ausência de sombras.
Para a estética tradicional japonesa, do rosto das mulheres às salas dos templos, o essencial está na sombra e nos seus efeitos"
by Junichiro Tanizaki
This fireplace was inspired in Ben Nicholson painting, Vertical Seconds (1953).
The concept was developed around the volumetry of three different levels and the interaction of the light with it.
The shadows result in a gradient of various white tones.